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Can the Power Supply Unit (PSU) charge multiple batteries?

The PSU can comfortably charge up to 3 batteries simultaneously. There may be instances where 4 batteries can be charged simultaneously, but note that this will increase charge time.
The QIKPAC Charger Base has a built-in PSU and can therefore charge 3 QIKPAC batteries or QIKPAC CARRY units simultaneously.
If you are an OEM using the QIKPAC Connecting Shoe to build your own charging station/cart, we still recommend a maximum of 3 batteries and therefore 3 QIKPAC Connecting Shoes per PSU.
Multiple PSU’s can be connected together to charge a maximum of 30 total batteries using a single 120V starter cord.
If you are using the QIKPAC Charger Base for example, you can connect up to 10 bases together: 10 bases x 3 batteries each = 30 total batteries. The charge time remains the same per PSU. All 30 QIKPAC batteries in this example charge in 8-9 hours, which is a comfortable overnight charge. To calculate charge times for batteries

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